From Idiosyncrases to Norms: An Intermediate Path


  • Juan Jose Martinez-Sierra UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA



tendency, norm, Toury, translation


The main objective of this article is to elaborate on the concept of translation tendency, understood not only as an intermediate step between a norm and an idiosyncrasy, but also as a useful tool in research focused on finding translation regularities. Given that this concept can be a source of criticism and of certain interpretations that deviate from its strict sense, this paper is intended to clarify it. Similarly, some reflections on the theory developed by Toury (1995) are included.

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Author Biography

Juan Jose Martinez-Sierra, UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA

Professor of the University of Valencia, Spain Department of English and German Philology


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How to Cite

Martinez-Sierra, J. J. (2014). From Idiosyncrases to Norms: An Intermediate Path. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 19(1), 49–56.



Theoretical Articles