A Rationale for a Translator-Centered, Process-Oriented Methodology for Translation Quality Assessment


  • Juan Guillermo Ramírez Giraldo Universidad de Antioquia




Translation Quality Assessment, Translation Criticism, Descriptive Translation Studies, Translation Studies


Normally the translation scholars concerned with the lack of objective parameters with which to carry out effective translation quality assessment processes have conducted their studies based on what is most easily observable: translated texts. In this article, we propose a methodology for the assessment of translated texts within an undergraduate translation program that takes into account not only the final product of the translation, but also the processes that led to the translated text and the subject who produced it.

Received: 31-05-05/Accepted: 27-06-05

How to reference this article:

Ramirez Giraldo, J. G. (2005). A Rationale for a Translator-Centered, Process-Oriented Methodology for Translation Quality Assessment. Íkala. 10 (1), pp. 129 – 147 

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Author Biography

Juan Guillermo Ramírez Giraldo, Universidad de Antioquia

Traductor Inglés-Francés-Español, Universidad de Antioquia, is currently a full-time teacher at the School of Languages of Universidad de Antioquia. He is also a member of a translation studies research group (Grupo de Investigación en Traductología.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Giraldo, J. G. (2005). A Rationale for a Translator-Centered, Process-Oriented Methodology for Translation Quality Assessment. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 10(1), 129–147. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ikala.3053


