*El desarrollo de una cultura de la evaluación


  • Dermot Murphy University of Lonfon
  • María Cristina Frodden Armstrong (TRADUCTORA) Universidad de Antioquia




shared evaluation, decision-making process, educational change, organizational culture


This article presents a variety of arguments in favor of a culture of participatory and effective evaluation, especially in educational institutions. It states how important it is for all members of the organization to use evaluation, to be able to discuss its findings, and to participate in decision making and in the implementation of the changes planned, so that the evaluation can support change and development. Personal, professional and institutional benefits and some strategic guidelines for the development of a culture of participatory and effective evaluation are also mentioned.

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Author Biographies

Dermot Murphy, University of Lonfon

Dermot Murphy, MA in Lingusitics de la Universidad de Lancaster, trabaja en el departamento de Ciencias de la Educación y de estudios Profesionales del King's College de la Universidad de Londres.

María Cristina Frodden Armstrong (TRADUCTORA), Universidad de Antioquia

Cristina Frodden Armstrong es profesora de la Escuela de Idiomas de la Universidad de Antioquia, co-investigadora en el proyecto interuniversitario COFE.


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How to Cite

Murphy, D., & Frodden Armstrong (TRADUCTORA), M. C. (2002). *El desarrollo de una cultura de la evaluación. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 7(1), 75–85. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ikala.3211


