Transmediating alphabet book Hoje sinto-me... A comparative reading of two editions
comparative literature, cultural transfers, children’s literature, pic-ture book, Madalena MonizAbstract
Based on the premises that any choice made throughout the process of editorial creation works in tune to deliver meaning (Sipe, 2001), we put forward that two separate editions of a same book can deliver distinct reading experiences. When we compared the publications in Portuguese and English language of Madalena Moniz’ alphabet book Hoje Sinto-me..., analyzed their textual, illustration, and object architecture components, emphasizing on paratextual elements, we came to the conclusion that the first edition favors the aesthetic dimension, while the second one focuses in an educational approach. Beyond editorial choices, variations introduced by the author herself contributed also to create markedly different global perceptions that led us to conclude that even the main character’s personality would have endured changes.
Moniz, M. (2014). Hoje Sinto-me…. Lisboa: Orfeu Negro.
Moniz, M. (2017). Today I Feel…: An Alphabet of Feelings. Nova Iorque: Abrams Appleseed.
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