Degree of Openness and Variable Acquisition in L2: (-s) Variation in San Andrés Island
second-language acquisition, bilingualism, socioliguistics, phonetic variationAbstract
The variation of (-s) in bilingual contexts shows a degree of complexity in which different fields of knowledge converge. This work studies the sibilant consonant in the syllable coda in San Andres Island Spanish learnt as a second language, aiming to elucidate some of the questions that arise from a little-explored variety in which multiple factors correlate. This variable has been used to differentiate diasystems, to classify dialectal areas, and, in the case of second languages, to determine the acquisition of sociolinguistic norms. 3600 cases were analyzed, extracted from semi-structured interviews with 36 bilingual Creole-Spanish speakers. Results show that the variety under study favors the form close to the lexicon. The (-s) variation is restricted by the degree of openness and by avoiding vocalic heterosyllabicity, and it evinces sociolinguistic trends that had been previously reported. Regrouping the sample revealed data that match Colombian Spanish varieties, which is related to (-s) variation pattern acquisition belonging to a target variety
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