Vol. 21 No. 3
|Abstract = 150 veces | PDF = 114 veces| | HTML = 9 veces| | UNTITLED = 0 veces|
Empirical Studies
/s/ Aspiration in Masculine and Feminine speech of Limans in the United States
|Abstract = 419 veces | PDF = 237 veces| | HTML = 26 veces| -
“Oh no! Look what happened!”. The Use of Evaluative Resources in Fictional Accounts by Young Children from Marginalised Urban Populations
|Abstract = 435 veces | PDF = 175 veces| | HTML = 32 veces|
Case Studies
Guadalupe años sin cuenta. Staging the Abuses of State Power in Colombia
|Abstract = 259 veces | PDF = 184 veces| | HTML = 52 veces| -
The Yelwata Maroua 1er festival in Cameroon: a semio-hermeneutic approach to a popular culture
|Abstract = 177 veces | PDF = 187 veces| | HTML = 20 veces|
Methodological Articles
Subtitling for the deaf and the hard-of-hearing —A learning service approach at the audiovisual translation classroom
|Abstract = 904 veces | PDF = 499 veces| | HTML = 142 veces|
Theoretical Articles
The Problem of Defining ‘Indigenous Literacy:’ Lessons from the Andes
|Abstract = 449 veces | PDF = 303 veces| | HTML = 17 veces| -
What’s the role of humanities in academic reading and writing processes? Martha Nussbaum and François Rastier
|Abstract = 302 veces | PDF = 334 veces| | HTML = 11 veces|