“Oh no! Look what happened!”. The Use of Evaluative Resources in Fictional Accounts by Young Children from Marginalised Urban Populations


  • Florencia Alam National Council of Scientific and Technical Research
  • Celia Renata Rosemberg National Council of Scientific and Technical Research




evaluative resources in fictional accounts, potential development area, conversational interaction, interaction context psycholinguistics


This work aims to analyze the evaluative resources (Labov, 1972) that 4-year-old children from marginalized urban populations employ when they tell a fictional account in different contexts of production: interaction with a same age child, interaction with an older child and individual performance. The corpus is made up of 99 narratives elicited from a sequence of images to 33 4-year-old children in the three conditions mention. The narratives were videotaped and transcribed. A qualitative method was employed, the Constant Comparative Method, in order to create a system of categories that allowed to analyzed the evaluative resources employed by the children. The quantitative distribution of these categories was then analyzed, and statistics procedures were employed in order to evaluate the significance of the differences. Last, we analyzed qualitatively the narratives produced by the same girl in the three conditions. Results show that the children employed more evaluative resources when they interacted with a peer than in the other two conditions. The qualitative analysis of the narratives produced by one child in the three conditions allowed understand this difference due to the characteristics of the interaction with a same age child. These results, which are discussed in response to psycholinguistic and conversational analysis previous research, allow weigh the importance of peer interactions in the production of narratives and their potential use in designing teaching strategies.

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Author Biographies

Florencia Alam, National Council of Scientific and Technical Research

Ph.D. in Education. Assistant researcher, National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET)

Celia Renata Rosemberg, National Council of Scientific and Technical Research

Ph.D. in Education. Main researcher, National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET)


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How to Cite

Alam, F., & Rosemberg, C. R. (2016). “Oh no! Look what happened!”. The Use of Evaluative Resources in Fictional Accounts by Young Children from Marginalised Urban Populations. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 21(3), 287–297. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ikala.v21n03a03



Empirical Studies