Bd. 15 Nr. 3
|Abstract = 94 veces | PDF (ENGLISH) = 36 veces|
In other words, almost the same
|Abstract = 76 veces | PDF (ENGLISH) = 54 veces|
Reflection papers
Translation studies considerations on the interrelationship between health-medical language and the literary language
|Abstract = 140 veces | PDF (ENGLISH) = 71 veces|
Research papers
Current status of audiovisual translation in Colombia
|Abstract = 984 veces | PDF (ENGLISH) = 100 veces| -
Pronominal Address Forms of College Students in Medellin (Colombia) from the Sociopragmatic Point of View: Socioeconomic Status and Sex
|Abstract = 165 veces | PDF (ENGLISH) = 212 veces| -
Autonomy in English learning and its relationship with independent works assigned to students
|Abstract = 216 veces | PDF (ENGLISH) = 129 veces| -
The doctoral thesis citation in biology and linguistics
|Abstract = 129 veces | PDF (ENGLISH) = 62 veces| -
An Approach to Terminology Teaching. A Methodological Proposal Adapted to the Training Needs of Translators
|Abstract = 133 veces | PDF (ENGLISH) = 55 veces| -
Colección Termisul: un estudio de los patrones de lenguaje jurídico, normativo y científico
|Abstract = 102 veces | PDF (ENGLISH) = 46 veces|