Linguistic Discrimination in an English Language Teaching Program: Voices of the Invisible Others


  • Marlon Vanegas Rojas Luis Amigó Catholic University
  • Juan José Fernández Restrepo Luis Amigó Catholic University
  • Yurley Andrea González Zapata Luis Amigó Catholic University
  • Giovany Jaramillo Rodriguez Luis Amigó Catholic University
  • Luis Fernando Muñoz Cardona Luis Amigó Catholic University
  • Cristian Martín Ríos Muñoz Luis Amigó Catholic University



Linguistic academic performance, linguistic discrimination, positionality, socio-affective factors, standard language


This descriptive research provides insight into how linguistic discrimination influences students’ academic performance in the English teaching program at Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó in Medellin. Five groups were observed on four different occasions to accomplish the purpose of the study. Four professors and twelve students were interviewed to find out what attitudes and beliefs emerged inside the classroom. The analysis of data showed that standard language, native-speaker idealization, pressure from the professor, disesteem of one’s own language-level, and discriminatory attitudes affected students’ performance in aspects such as socio-affective factors, fear of negative evaluation, communication apprehension, devaluation of students’ language variation, academic performance homogenization, mother-tongue restriction, extra visibility of high-proficiency students, discriminatory jokes, linguistic segregation, difficulty in interaction, and self-isolation. This study concluded that academic performance is affected by all types of discriminating attitudes, either in professors or classmates. Discriminatory attitudes trigger responses such as fear, segregation, anxiety, and apprehension, among others, thereby restraining and limiting class participation, quality of interaction, new concept and knowledge appropriation, motivation towards language, and course

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Author Biographies

Marlon Vanegas Rojas, Luis Amigó Catholic University

M.A in Education, University of Antioquia. Professor and coordinator of the Research Center for Cultural Studies, Luis Amigó Catholic University.

Juan José Fernández Restrepo, Luis Amigó Catholic University

Researcher, Research Center for Cultural Studies. B.A in English, Luis Amigó Catholic University.

Yurley Andrea González Zapata, Luis Amigó Catholic University

Researcher, Research Center for Cultural Studies. B.A in English, Luis Amigó Catholic University.

Giovany Jaramillo Rodriguez, Luis Amigó Catholic University

Researcher, Research Center for Cultural Studies. B.A in English, Luis Amigó Catholic University.

Luis Fernando Muñoz Cardona, Luis Amigó Catholic University

Researcher, Research Center for Cultural Studies. B.A in English, Luis Amigó Catholic University.

Cristian Martín Ríos Muñoz, Luis Amigó Catholic University

Researcher, Research Center for Cultural Studies. B.A in English, Luis Amigó Catholic University.


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How to Cite

Vanegas Rojas, M., Fernández Restrepo, J. J., González Zapata, Y. A., Jaramillo Rodriguez, G., Muñoz Cardona, L. F., & Ríos Muñoz, C. M. (2016). Linguistic Discrimination in an English Language Teaching Program: Voices of the Invisible Others. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 21(2), 133–151.



Empirical Studies