Academic writing for the development of pedagogical reflection in teacher education: a Chronicle Teacher-Headmaster
academic writing, pedagogical reflexión genre, genre of pedagogy, pedagogical knowledge, rhetorical moveAbstract
The paper presents the main results of an action research that had as its axis the de-sign and implementation of a teaching module of academic writing to promote the development of teacher professional reflection in a postgraduate education program in a Chilean university. The aim was to define and characterize a new academic genre of pedagogical reflection that allowed the development of an epistemic writing to enhance the pedagogical knowledge of teachers. The methodological design of this research contemplated a theoretical-practical and longitudinal approach that allowed the participation of 160 teachers and the formation of a corpus of analysis of 160 texts collected in a period of 5 years. Among the main results, we highlight, firstly, the creation of a kind of teacher reflection that we have called Chronicle Teaching-Directive that allows a deep analysis of the practice from the rhetorical organization of the moves. Secondly, the design and implementation of a didactic sequence based on the pedagogy of the genre that allows the scaffolding and the development of reflexive writing as a professional resource that potentiates teacher’s knowledge is highlighted. A relevant conclusion is that the modeling and scaffolding process of this genre allows us to improve not only the communicative competences of the teachers but also the depth of the pedagogical reflection, achieving the construction and consolidation of the teaching knowledge of each of the participating teachers.
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