Guadalupe años sin cuenta. Staging the Abuses of State Power in Colombia


  • Leandro Quiroz Londoño University of Antioquia



postdramatic theatre, La Candelaria theatre group, Guadalupe años sin cuenta, Guadalupe Salcedo Unda, Colombia’s Armed Forces


Taking La Candelaria theatre group’s aesthetic and poetic work as a referent, this text focuses on the abuses of power by the State and the National Armed Forces in Colombia. Guadalupe años sin cuenta (1975) “collective creation”, created and played by the above mentioned Bogota group, recreates and takes to the stage the storyof the first Colombian guerrilla man killed by the country’s Armed Forces. Native from Eastern lowlands, Guadalupe Salcedo Unda’s persona is reconstructed relying on subordinate classes’s silenced voices and memories as eye witnesses of that event. Their narratives were the basis of the play, as they were collected during the inquiry previous to playwriting.

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Leandro Quiroz Londoño, University of Antioquia

B.A in Basic Education with emphasis in Artistic Education, Artes Representativas, University of Antioquia, M.A candidate in Social Anthropology, University of Buenos Aires (UBA)


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Londoño, L. Q. (2016). Guadalupe años sin cuenta. Staging the Abuses of State Power in Colombia. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 21(3), 345–356.



Case Studies