Types of Communication in Sport Interactions


  • Gloria Cecilia Vallejo Rendón Universidad de Antioquia
  • María Cecilia Plested Álvarez Universidad de Antioquia




Non-verbal communication, speech acts, mobile conceptual units, sport communication


This article studies the type, category and content of non-verbal information, as well as the speech acts, characterized by verbal incompleteness, used by football trainers during the training sessions of various professional teams. Its main goal is to identify and characterize the knowledge structure which generates the different concepts produced in these sessions, with the corresponding representations of mobile conceptual units.


Received: 13-11-07/ Accepted: 07-02-08

How to reference this article:


Vallejo Rendon, G. C. & Plested Alvarez, María Cecilia. (2008). Tipos de comunicación en interacciones deportivas. Íkala. 13(1), pp.43-61. 

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Gloria Cecilia Vallejo Rendón, Universidad de Antioquia

Gloria Cecilia Vallejo Rendón es miembro del Grupo de Investigación en Terminología y Traducción (GITT) y del Grupo de Investigación Cultura Somática. Labora como profesora en el Instituto Universitario de Educación Física, Universidad de Antioquia.

María Cecilia Plested Álvarez, Universidad de Antioquia

María Cecilia Plested Álvarez dirige del Grupo de Investigación en Terminología y Traducción (GITT), Escuela de Idiomas, Universidad de Antioquia.


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Vallejo Rendón, G. C., & Plested Álvarez, M. C. (2008). Types of Communication in Sport Interactions. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 13(1), 43–61. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ikala.2688




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