Vol. 9 No. 1
|Abstract = 102 veces | PDF = 35 veces| -
|Abstract = 169 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 32 veces|
Teachers Acting Critically Upon the Curriculum: Innovations that Transform Teaching
|Abstract = 213 veces | PDF = 102 veces| -
Critical Thinking in the EFL Classroom: The Search for a Pedagogical Alternative to Improve English Learning
|Abstract = 686 veces | PDF = 462 veces| -
Textual Organization of Request Letters in Spanish and English and of Request Memoranda in Spanish: an Exploratory Study
|Abstract = 93 veces | PDF = 46 veces| -
English teacher research in a continuing education program
|Abstract = 203 veces | PDF = 89 veces| -
Making clear teachers' experience-led wisdom in the context of teaching practicum: a conceptual and methodological framework
|Abstract = 162 veces | PDF = 64 veces| -
Analysis of Assessment Instruments Used in Foreign Language Teaching
|Abstract = 555 veces | PDF = 303 veces| -
Promoting Autonomy Through Project Work
|Abstract = 333 veces | PDF = 180 veces| -
Soledad Acosta de Samper and her role in translation in the 19th century Colombia
|Abstract = 207 veces | PDF = 161 veces| -
Translators through History
|Abstract = 169 veces | PDF = 301 veces| -
Panorama of terminology
|Abstract = 169 veces | PDF = 182 veces| -
On the boundaries of translatability: dialectal textual variation
|Abstract = 122 veces | PDF = 149 veces| -
Models of Research in Audiovisual Translation
|Abstract = 426 veces | PDF = 266 veces| -
Visión de la mujer en alumn@s de octavo grado de educación básica
|Abstract = 103 veces | PDF = 50 veces| -
Oral interaction as per the theory of courtesy
|Abstract = 145 veces | PDF = 126 veces|