Teaching Writing in Higher Education: A Pedagogical Experience with the ‘Flow Chart Description’ Macro-Genre
higher education, writing across the curriculum, professional genres, macro-genres, SFL, flowchart descriptionAbstract
This article presents evidence in favor of teaching and writing across the curriculum,following a genre-based explicit approach, and an adjunct teaching model.This is done by reporting an experience that was carried out with students enrolledin the Computer-based Tools and Programming for Engineering and Science course, being offered at a university in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. This experience had to do with developing the Flowchart Descriptionmacro-genre. Firstly, the macro-genre is characterized from the perspective ofsystemic functional linguistics, particularly the Sydney School, which made it possible to precisely delimit the object of teaching. Secondly, the foundations of the teaching process were presented. Thirdly, a discussion of the results obtainedfrom the implementation of a rubric or evaluation matrix was provided, whichweighed participants' performance in the production of both their first draft andtheir final version. Lastly, the theoretical, methodological, and didactic optionssupporting the writing model currently deployed at this university were shownand issues to be addressed in future experiences were discussed.
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