Organisation d’un Réseau Académique – une Stratégie pour Promouvoir le Développement Professionnel


  • Monica Rodríguez Bonces Pearson Education and Universidad la Sabana



professional learning community, Professional development, teacher collaboration, network, communities of practice, research


Colombia has a long tradition of offering professional development through courses, seminars, and postgraduate programs. However, Professional Learning Communities are also thought of as an option to provide professional development. This article presents a general background on professional learning communities and discusses why and how they can be implemented in Colombia. A model on how to structure one—in this case, focused specifically on research—and some directions for future practices and further research are highlighted.
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Author Biography

Monica Rodríguez Bonces, Pearson Education and Universidad la Sabana

Monica Rodríguez Bonces  holds a PhD in Education, a M.A in Applied Linguistics and a B.A. in Spanish and Languages. Her research interests include Curriculum Design, Bilingual Education, and Professional Development. Part of this experience can be reviewed in published articles in national and international publications.

She has been teaching for more than fifteen years, seven of them in the United States where she was named teacher of the year. She has been a department chair, research coordinator, academic dean, under and postgraduate professor, international consultant and teacher trainer.  Mónica is currently an Academic Consultant for PEARSON and research counselor at the posgraduate program at Universidad la Sabana.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Bonces, M. (2015). Organisation d’un Réseau Académique – une Stratégie pour Promouvoir le Développement Professionnel. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 19(3), 307–319.



Theoretical Articles