generic, DisCourse, and lexicogrammatical Characteristics of a listening exercise in an EFL Classroom


  • Anamaría Sagre Universidad de Córdoba
  • José David Herazo Universidad de Córdoba



EFL learning, genre, listening tasks, systemic linguistics


This paper describes the listening exercise as a textual genre of the EFL classroom. To this end, we analyzed a 30-minute listening activity in terms of its purpose, its discourse structure, and the lexicogrammatical choices in EFL of teacher and students. Findings reveal that the discourse structure and lexicogrammatical choices teacher and students made facilitated comprehension and created opportunities for meaningful EFL production, reaching the genre’s purpose. Whereas students were able to understand the listening text thanks to those
choices, they were less successful in reporting what they heard and expressing opinions in EFL. This was due, in part, to how the comprehension task was realized linguistically and to the fact that little modeling was provided to express such functions.
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Author Biographies

Anamaría Sagre, Universidad de Córdoba

Anamaría Sagre is a full time teacher at Universidad de Córdoba ( Montería, Colombia), where she works as pre-service teacher trainer in the foreign language department of this institution. She holds a Master´s degree in education. 


José David Herazo, Universidad de Córdoba

Jose David Herazo is assistant professor at Universidad de Córdoba (Montería, Colombia), where he works as teacher trainer in the department of Foreign Languages.  He holds a Master’s degree in Education and is currently a PhD Candidate at the University of Pittsburgh (USA). 


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How to Cite

Sagre, A., & Herazo, J. D. (2015). generic, DisCourse, and lexicogrammatical Characteristics of a listening exercise in an EFL Classroom. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 20(1), 113–127.



Methodological Articles