Reading in Print and Digital Formats: A Study with Young University Students in Spain
reading, ICT, print texts, digital texts, types of readers, university studentsAbstract
The young people of the 21st century have grown up in a sociocultural context marked by ict, which has led to a transformation in both reading materials and ways of reading. This study aimed to analyze university students’ ways of reading when using both printed and digital support, and to establish a typology of readers based on the support they use. To achieve this goal, this cross-sectional quantitative study included 1697 students from the social and educational fields of various Spanish universities who were born since 1995 and established different types of readers according to the reading format they used: printed, digital and mixed. The results show that the reader using printed media leans towards classic literary reading, while the digital reader is more directed towards an informative type of reading, linked to current issues. In conclusion, the data confirm that, although book reading continues to be fundamentally associated with traditional formats, there is a transfer from paper reading to digital literary reading, which in turn has generated a more complete and multimodal reader, with broader reading interests.
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