THEME and INFORMATION Systems in Spanish: A Systemic Analysis of Their Use in Scientific Paper Theoretical Frameworks
textual function, systemic-functional linguistics, theoretical framework, thematic selection, INFORMATION systemAbstract
This descriptive study examines, using categories from systemic-functional linguistics and some others derived from this corpus, Theme choices in the theoretical frameworks of a convenience sample comprising twenty articles from Colombian indexed journals in the field of language studies. Additionally, it characterizes the interaction between the INFORMATION system and the THEME system and reviews the criteria for establishing the meaning of marked and unmarked Theme in Spanish language. Our findings suggest the centrality of the Theme textual function, which is mainly realized through experiential Themes and, to a lesser extent, through textual Themes. Experiential Themes are partly realized through nominal groups that refer to Recoverable (Given or Accessible) information or pronominal groups with anaphoric function. Sayers and Circumstances of Angle with cataphoric function were also recurrent. Additionally, verbs in thematic position were identified, which in Spanish serve the function of maintaining the flow of discourse while building the heteroglossic engagement typical of theoretical frameworks. The presence of simple and complex nominalizations in thematic position performs the function of compacting information. Further detailed studies in Spanish are needed, with corpora from diverse genres and registers, to refine the differences between marked and unmarked Theme in this language and to review the boundaries between New and Accessible information.
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