Vol. 20 No. 3
|Abstract = 149 veces | PDF = 111 veces| | HTML = 8 veces|
Empirical Studies
CIPP Model–based Context Evaluation on an English Language Reading Comprehension Course at a Public University in Colombia
|Abstract = 1368 veces | PDF = 657 veces| | HTML = 72 veces| -
Explaining errors in the teaching of translation: an error in the process or an error in the product?
|Abstract = 259 veces | PDF = 262 veces| | HTML = 13 veces| | INFORMATION ABOUT AUTORS = 0 veces| -
The Paradox of the Practicum: Affinity to and Resistance towards Teaching
|Abstract = 456 veces | PDF = 376 veces| | HTML = 42 veces| -
Academic Writing Tasks and Activities at a University Context (undergraduate)
|Abstract = 552 veces | PDF = 252 veces| | HTML = 43 veces|
Theoretical Articles
Zoomorphic Metaphors from a Cognitive Point of View
|Abstract = 502 veces | PDF = 280 veces| | HTML = 395 veces| | MANUSCRIPT WITH THE INFORMATION OF THE AUTHOR = 0 veces| -
Writing in University: A Review of Research made by University of Los Andes, Venezuela
|Abstract = 285 veces | PDF = 190 veces| | HTML = 44 veces|