The Paradox of the Practicum: Affinity to and Resistance towards Teaching


  • Jose Alberto Fajardo Castañeda Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
  • Ivan Ricardo Miranda Montenegro Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia



practicum, professional affiliation, resistance


The sense of affinity to teaching profession among a group of five Colombian pre-service teachers manifested as a result of their practicum is explored in this paper. The impact that a four month teaching experience caused in their professional development was at the center of this exploratory study. Interviews and online blogs were the research methods used for data collection while content analysis was the analytical approach. How the practicum influenced prospective teachers’ professional future agendas led two contrasting findings: alignment with or resistance to teaching profession. This study can shed light on the conceptualisation and understanding of how teachers come to be.


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Jose Alberto Fajardo Castañeda, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Associate professor UPTC, Academic Coordinator Doctorate in Language and Culture, Research Group ENLETAWA.

Ivan Ricardo Miranda Montenegro, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

UPTC Professor, Sogamoso. Investigation group ENLENTAWA


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Fajardo Castañeda, J. A., & Miranda Montenegro, I. R. (2015). The Paradox of the Practicum: Affinity to and Resistance towards Teaching. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 20(3), 329–341.



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