Translating Textual Elements in Contemporary Artworks: Trends, Challenges, Proposals
paratext, paratextuality, paratranslation, translation, contemporary art, Madrid International Contemporary Art Fair (arco).Abstract
Starting from Genette’s (1987) notion of ‘paratext’, which is the foundation of Yuste’s (2015) theory of ‘paratranslation’, this paper will analyse what happens, as far as the viewer’s experience is concerned, when an art work presents textual elements in a language different from the viewer’s language. To this end, we will identify the verbal elements included in works exhibited in art fairs, paying special attention to the International Contemporary Art Fair of Madrid (arco), and will analyse the adequacy of the translator’s figure in events of this sort. From a selection of works in which text forms part of the visual experience, either because it constitutes a fundamental part of them or because it results in the whole work, we will reflect on the different possible strategies to make them accessible to the viewer, allowing a complete experience of the work.
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