v. 26 n. 3 (2021): Special Issue: The Role of Technology in Language Teaching and Learning Amid the Crisis Generated by the COVID-19 Pandemic

					Visualizar v. 26 n. 3 (2021): Special Issue: The Role of Technology in Language Teaching and Learning Amid the Crisis Generated by the COVID-19 Pandemic

This special issue is an attempt to understand how teachers and students reacted to the unexpected teaching and learning situations they faced. We hope it will be of interest to teachers, students, administrators, and language practitioners who want to know how other colleagues worldwide reacted to the COVID-19 measures.

Our cover and dividers display works of the series "El vuelo del color" by artist Óscar López Ospina. We invite you to gaze the beautiful Flight of Color of our Featured artist here.

Publicado: 2021-09-13

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