Learning through Communication in the EFL Class: Going beyond the PPP Approach.


  • José David Herazo Rivera Universidad de Córdoba
  • Sonia María Jerez Rodríguez Universidad de córdoba
  • Danilza Lorduy Arellano Universidad de Córdoba




communication, learning tasks, PPP approach, EFL teaching and learning


Today, it seems clear that the goal of English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching and learning in Colombia is to foster communicative ability. However, the role communication is usually given in classrooms, that of displaying previously taught language items, poses limitations on the value it might have for developing EFL proficiency. In this paper, we disagree with the assumption that communication can only take place when learnershave learned and defend the position that it might happen when learnersare learning. Our position is supported with grounded theoretical reflection as well as with data coming from the EFL class of a group of sixth graders during an ongoing action research project on the use of task-based learning (TBL) to develop citizenship and EFL proficiency.

Received: 20-02-09 / Accepted: 14-09-09

How to reference this article:

Herazo, J. D., Jerez, S. & Lorduy Arellano, D. (2009). Learning through Communication in the EFL Class: Going beyond the PPP Approach. Íkala. 14(3), pp.117-136.

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Author Biographies

José David Herazo Rivera, Universidad de Córdoba

José David Herazo Rivera es docente de planta de la Universidad de Córdoba (Montería), licenciado en Lenguas modernas, especialista en la Enseñanza del inglés y magíster en Educación.

Sonia María Jerez Rodríguez, Universidad de córdoba

Sonia María Jerez Rodríguez es docente de planta de la Universidad de Córdoba (Montería), licenciada en Enseñanza de idiomas y magíster en Lingüística aplicada.

Danilza Lorduy Arellano, Universidad de Córdoba

Danilza Lorduy Arellano es docente de planta de la Universidad de Córdoba (Montería), licenciada en Lenguas modernas, especialista en la Enseñanza del inglés y magíster en Educación.




How to Cite

Herazo Rivera, J. D., Jerez Rodríguez, S. M., & Lorduy Arellano, D. (2009). Learning through Communication in the EFL Class: Going beyond the PPP Approach. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 14(3), 117–136. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ikala.3161


