Teachers Acting Critically Upon the Curriculum: Innovations that Transform Teaching


  • Amparo Clavijo Olarte Universidad Distrital
  • Carmen Helena Guerrero Melo Universidad Distrital
  • Claudia Torres Jaramillo Universidad Distrital
  • Luz Maribel Ramírez Galindo Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
  • Nelly Esperanza Torres Mesa Pontificia Universidad Javeriana




curricular innovation processes, public schools involved in innovations, lan¬guage and literacy, qualitative research in schools, collaborative work between university and schools, cross-curricular work


This article describes the results of an interpretative qualitative research study in the field of teacher education carried out to identify the processes of innovation in the language curriculum by a group of public school teachers in Bogotá. The innovation process was observed in three stages: identification of the area of intervention, planning, and imple­mentation of the innovation. Data was collected through interviews, videotaped sessions, tutors' reports, and the final documents of the innovation projects. The unit of analysis was the declarative statements of teachers. Two broad aspects of the process of innovation were identified: the process of curricular innovation and the group processes in managing the innovation. In the data analysis three categories emerged that are described in the discussion of findings: shifting the focus of the curriculum,adopting a curricular perspective to support innovative practices, and acting reflectively and dynamically in the innovation. The results tell us that teachers planned and carried out curricular innovations thinking critically about students' needs and interests. They adopted curricular perspectives that helped them construct and support their classroom projects. Finally, teachers acted reflectively during the implementation of the innovation by adjusting their pedagogical practices in order to benefit students' learning and to achieve their institutional goal. 

Received: 04-05-04 / Accepted: 21-06-04

How to reference this article:

Clavijo Olarte, A., Guerrero Nieto, C. H., Torres Jaramillo, C, Ramírez Galindo, L. M. & Torres Mesa, N. E. (2004).Teachers Acting Critically Upon the Curriculum: Innovations that Transform Teaching. Íkala. 9 (1), pp. 11 – 41  

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Amparo Clavijo Olarte, Universidad Distrital

Dra. Amparo Clavijo Olarte is a full professor and researcher at the School of Sciences and Education at Universidad Distrital. She is currently the director of the Master's Program in Applied Linguistics to TEFL, the edi­torial director of the Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, and the main researcher of the group Lectoescrinautas recognized by Colciencias.

Carmen Helena Guerrero Melo, Universidad Distrital

Carmen Helena Guerrero is an assistant professor in the Master's program in Applied Linguistics at Universidad Distrital.

Claudia Torres Jaramillo, Universidad Distrital

Claudia Torres Jaramillo is an assistant professor in the Master's program in Applied Linguistics at Universidad Distrital.

Luz Maribel Ramírez Galindo, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Ikala.indd Maribel Ramirez Galindo is a full-time teacher of English in a public school for Secretaria de Educacion del Distrito and she is also a lecturer at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in the Modern Language Depart­ment.

Nelly Esperanza Torres Mesa, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Ikala.indd Esperanza Torres Mesa is currently the director of the language de­partment at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and a former professor of the Foreign Language Department at Universidad Distrital.


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Cochran–Smith, M., & Lytle, S., 1993, Inside Outside: Teacher research and knowledge, New York, Teachers College Press.

Freeman, D., 1998, Doing Teacher Research, Boston, Heinle & Heinle Publishers.

Goodman, Y., 1999, “Múltiples caminos hacia la lectoescritura : Becoming literate in a literate society”, en: Memorias del congreso colombiano de lecto escritura en lengua materna y lengua extranjera para un nuevo siglo, Bogotá, Cargraphics.

Guba, E.G., and Lincoln, Y.S., 1981, Effective Evaluation, San Francisco, Jossey–Bass.

Johns, A., 1997, Text, role and context. Developing academic literacies, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.





Clavijo Olarte, A., Guerrero Melo, C. H., Torres Jaramillo, C., Ramírez Galindo, L. M., & Torres Mesa, N. E. (2004). Teachers Acting Critically Upon the Curriculum: Innovations that Transform Teaching. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 9(1), 11–41. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ikala.3141




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