*Traducir a James Kelman: slang como expresión política


  • Wilson Orozco Universidad de Antioquia




James Kelman, How Late it Was, How Late, Scottish dialect, social critique, regionalisms.


James Kelman is the most renowned contemporary Scottish author. His fame reached its peak in 1994 when he won the most prestigious literary prize in the United Kingdom, the Booker Prize, for his novel How Late it Was, How Late. The novel caused great controversy due to its use of strong language and dialect from the city of Glasgow. Furthermore it presents a Kafkaesque persona oppressed by state forces: he was once hit by the police and left blind, and he must prove his blindness to the State to receive insurance. The following piece of work is a reflection about the decisions made concerning the language used in the translation of an English which is outside the narrow limits of standard English. It is followed by the translation into Spanish of the first pages of the novel and their original version in English

Received: 25-10-02 / Accepted: 03-06-03.

How to reference this article:

Orozco, W. (2003). Traducir a James Kelman: slang como expresión política. Íkala. 8(1), pp.  175 – 190 

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Author Biography

Wilson Orozco, Universidad de Antioquia

Magíster en Literatura Colombiana. Profesor de Semiótica y de Literatura Latinoamericana de la Facultad de Comunicación y Lenguajes Audiovisuales de la Universidad de Medellín.


Kelman, James, 1992a, An old pub near the Angel, US, Puckerbrush.

__________, 1992b, Some Recent Attacks: Essays Cultural and Political, Stirling, AK Press.

__________, 1994, How Late it Was, How Late, London, Secker & Warburg.




How to Cite

Orozco, W. (2003). *Traducir a James Kelman: slang como expresión política. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 8(1), 175–190. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ikala.3184


