Internet as a supporting tool in English learners and researcher students at Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó


  • Francisco Moreno Mosquera Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó



English Language Teacher (ELT), research in education, new technologies, Internet.


This article presents a project carried out in the University of Chocó, to take advantage of the tools offered by the Internet (email, search engines, chat rooms and discussion forums) for formation and research purposes. After being trained in the use of this tools, a group of 10 students went on to teach a virtual English course to beginners, with positive results.

Received: 24-03-05/ Accepted: 23-08-05

How to reference this article:

Moreno Mosquera, F. (2005). La Internet como herramienta de apoyo en la formación de alumnos investigadores y aprendices del inglés en la Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó. Íkala. 10 (1), pp. 151 – 167  

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Author Biography

Francisco Moreno Mosquera, Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó

Magíster en English as a Second or Foreign Language (ESFL), University College of North Wales, Gran Bretaña. Profesor de tiempo completo y director del Programa de Inglés y Francés, Universidad Tecnológica de Chocó. Coordinador del Grupo de Investigación en Didáctica de los Idiomas Extranjeros.


Candia, Alejandra, 2000, La educación virtual: una alternativa a la tradicional, [documento electrónico] , [consulta: nov 2004.]

Chum, Dorothy, 2001, L2 Reading on the Web: Strategies for Accessing Information in Hypermedia, Revista CALL, Computer Assisted Language Learning, 14 (5). Amsterdam. Grauss, Johan, An Evaluation of the Usefulness of the Internet in the EFL Classroom, [electronic document], [consult: dic 2004.]

Moreno Mosquera, Francisco, 2001, CALT: Exploiting Internet Resources and Multimedia for TEFL en Developing Countries, Revista CALL, Computer Assisted Language Learning, 14 (5). Amsterdam. Tiffing, John y Lalita Rajasimgham, 1997, En busca de la clase virtual. La educación en la sociedad de la información, Barcelona, Paidós.




How to Cite

Moreno Mosquera, F. (2005). Internet as a supporting tool in English learners and researcher students at Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 10(1), 151–167.




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