Refining Students’ Academic Writing Skills in an Undergraduate Foreign Language Teaching Program


  • Gilma Zúñiga Universidad Francisco José de Caldas
  • Diego Fernando Macias Universidad Surcolombiana



process writing, academic writing, English writing instruction


This article reports the findings of an action research study aimed at helping advanced English students refine their academic writing skills. The study was carried out with undergraduate students of the Foreign Language Teaching Program (English) at Universidad Surcolombiana. The methods used included process writing -outlining, revising, and editing with peers' and instructor's feedback-, as well as use of sources, content, grammar, coherence, cohesion and feedback.

Received: 31-03-06 / Accepted: 13-08-06

How to reference this article:

Zúñiga, G. & Fernando Macias, D. (2006). Refining Students’ Academic Writing Skills in an Undergraduate Foreign Language Teaching Program. Íkala. 11 (1), pp. 311 – 336.  

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Author Biographies

Gilma Zúñiga, Universidad Francisco José de Caldas

Gilma Zúñiga holds a Masters degree in Applied Linguistics from Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. She works as a teacher and researcher at Universidad Surcolombiana.

Diego Fernando Macias, Universidad Surcolombiana

Diego Fernando Macias works as a literature teacher and researcher at Universidad Surcolombiana.


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How to Cite

Zúñiga, G., & Macias, D. F. (2006). Refining Students’ Academic Writing Skills in an Undergraduate Foreign Language Teaching Program. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 11(1), 311–336.




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