University-schools collaboration through the teaching practicum


  • Cristina Frodden Universidad de Antioquia
  • Angela Lopez Universidad de Antioquia



action research in education, teacher training, professional development, English language teaching


This article adresses the authors experience carrying out their teaching practice of english in a group of public schools in Medellin. This teaching practice which is part of an undergraduate language teaching program, is based on principles of collaborative action research. It seeks to enhance the quality of basic education. Since all participants have the chance to develop knowledge, discuss new ideas and feed curricular changes, the practicum is a fruitful learning context.

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Author Biographies

Cristina Frodden, Universidad de Antioquia

is a full-time instructor of the School of Languages of the University of Antioquia

Angela Lopez, Universidad de Antioquia

is a student of the practicum at the University of Antioquia


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How to Cite

Frodden, C., & Lopez, A. (1998). University-schools collaboration through the teaching practicum. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 3(2), 47–68.




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