The meaning of a word cannot be expressed in one sentence: The meaning of terminology for technical communication and the translation of technical texts.


  • Klaus-Dirk Schmitz Institut für Translation und Mehrsprachige Kommunikation



concept, term, definition, term formation


This article refers to a statement of the Austrian-British philosopher Lud­wig Wittgenstein related to words and sentences. The goal is to analyze and discuss the relevance of Wittgenstein's statement for terminology work nee­ded in the framework of technical communication and technical translation. In addition to the basic concepts of terminology theory such as concept, term and object, the article concentrates on definitions as a means of con­cepts description and on criteria for the formation and selection of scientific terms. In conclusion, Wittgenstein's statement can be interpreted in diffe­rent ways. But for technical communication and translation, the definition (sentence) has to illustrate the concept behind the term (word), and transpa­rent and well motivated terms can clarify the concept without a definition.

Received: 31-03-10 / Accepted: 30-04-10

How to reference this article:

Schmitz, K.-D. (2010). Was ein Wort bedeutet, kann ein Satz nicht sagen: Zur Bedeutung der Terminologiearbeit für die Technische Kommunikation und das Fachtextübersetzen. Íkala, 15(2), pp.189-197

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Klaus-Dirk Schmitz, Institut für Translation und Mehrsprachige Kommunikation

Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dirk Schmitz. Institut für Translation und Mehrsprachige Kommunikation, Fachhochschule Köln, Deutschland.





Schmitz, K.-D. (2010). The meaning of a word cannot be expressed in one sentence: The meaning of terminology for technical communication and the translation of technical texts. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 15(2), 189–197.



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