Beliefs about Foreign Language Learning at University Level




Language beliefs, teacher competences, skills development, language learning, foreign language


The beliefs of the students from Tecnológico de Antioquia (TdeA) were analyzed in this study, with regard to learning English as a foreign language. The aim of the current research was to identify those beliefs in order to improve the proposed curriculum for the language department of the institution. The representative sample of this study was comprised of 237 English students, ranging from levels 1-6 (161 women and 77 men). This number was determined by a matrix of sample sizes. A descriptive cross-sectional design was selected to conduct this research; data was collected through BALLI instrument (Beliefs About Language Learning Inventory), which was proposed by Horwitz (1987). The data were then analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results allowed to establish that most of the participants of this study had a strong instrumental and integrative motivation towards learning English. Similarly, it was found that some beliefs related to The Nature of Language Learning and Learning Strategies represent major hindrances. In conclusion, the participants hold English learning misconceptions that create barriers for them to achieve a successful communicative performance.

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Author Biography

Juan Fernando Gómez Paniagua, Tecnológico de Antioquia IU

B.A in Basic Education with Emphasis in English at the Luis Amigó University Foundation in Medellín, Colombia in 2001. Professor of English at the Technological Institute of Antioquia and at the University Institución Salazar y Herrera of Medellín. Postgraduate at the University of Jaén (Spain). Master in Applied Linguistics in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in 2011.


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How to Cite

Gómez Paniagua, J. F. (2017). Beliefs about Foreign Language Learning at University Level. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 22(2), 203–219.



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