Global and Local Trends in Foreign Language Teaching Training


  • Rosalba Cárdenas Ramos Universidad del Valle



models of teacher education, foreign language teaching, foreign language teacher development in Colombia


This article presents the results of a study which included among its objectives the description of trends in the education of foreign language teachers in Colombia. To this end, a literature revision of global models in Foreign language teacher education was carried out and used as the framework for the analysis of the Foreign Language Methodology syllabi of seven universities that prepare Licenciados in Languages in the central and western regions of Colombia. A descriptive analysis  ased on reading, comparing and contrasting data was carried out. The results show that there are no single models of  eacher education in the programs because all syllabi are  clectic. Also, it is evident that the workshop model Smagorinsky & Whitings, 1994), which combines theory with subsequent practice is the most commonly found, followed by the humanistic, behaviorist and cognitive models. Nonetheless, some syllabi also show activities oriented towards the reflective model.

Recibido: 16-02-09 / Aceptado: 26-05-09

How to reference this artticle:

cardenas Ramos, R. (2009). Tendencias globales y locales en la formación de docentes de lenguas extranjeras. Íkala.14(2), pp.71-106.

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Rosalba Cárdenas Ramos, Universidad del Valle

Rosalba Cárdenas Ramos es magíster en Interdisciplinary studies in linguistics
and foreign language education, Universidad de Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, Estados Unidos; posee un diploma en English Language Testing and Programme Evaluation, de la Universidad de Reading, Reading, Inglaterra, y un diploma en Language Teacher Development, Thames Valley University, Londres - Inglaterra; es profesora titular de lingüística aplicada, metodología para la enseñanza de lenguas, investigación en el aula e inglés en la Universidad del Valle - Colombia, además de coordinadora del Programa de Formación y Desarrollo Profesional Docente en Inglés de la misma universidad y miembro del Equipo de Investigación en Lingüística Aplicada (EILA).





Cárdenas Ramos, R. (2009). Global and Local Trends in Foreign Language Teaching Training. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 14(2), 71–106.




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